Textiles as historic documents and their conservation
- Nov 16, 2018
- By Stephen Cole
- In Articles + Papers
Abstract The common cause of conservators and curators is to preserve objects in their care in all the aspects of their creation and survival and to display and interpret them for the benefit of the public. 1. Introduction When an artefact becomes part of a collection it has often been…
Note on the damaging effect of flameproofing on a tapestry hanging
- Nov 16, 2018
- By Stephen Cole
- In Articles + Papers
A wool and linen tapestry hanging which was made about fifteen years ago for the United Nations’ conference building in New York by the Märta Måås‐Fjetterström AB workshop in Sweden showed grave signs of deterioration. The hangings were returned to the workshop for examination and repair. The author was consulted…
Memorandum on the establishment of a national centre & training school for textile conservation
- Nov 16, 2018
- By Stephen Cole
- In Articles + Papers
Importance Historic textiles are a part of our national heritage in the same way as painting and other works of art. They are important not only because of their rarity, but also educationally, in that they contribute a unique social comment on the past. This country has a tradition of…
Farnham College of Art lecture
- Nov 16, 2018
- By Stephen Cole
- In Articles + Papers
I was trained in weaving and design at Art School in Copenhagen and came to England on my marriage at the end of the war. Maybe I didn’t actually think I was God’s gift to English design but I certainly hoped that it would be possible for me to continue…
Preparation for use as a History of Textile Techniques Study Resource
- Nov 16, 2018
- By Stephen Cole
- In Articles + Papers
Introduction After the last committee meeting, I was very aware of the need to explain my proposals in writing especially the fact that though there would be several ways of tackling this task, it would be most suitable to think in clearly defined stages, which could each of them be…
How it all began: A life in textile conservation
- Nov 16, 2018
- By Stephen Cole
- In Articles + Papers
This article is published in honour of Karen Finch OBE on the occasion of her ninetieth birthday on 8 May 2011. How did I become a conservator? I am not really sure. Perhaps it is built in – perhaps through my interest in the stone axes used as paperweights on…